

High 13
High 15
High 18
High 19
High 23
High 24
High 28
High 33
High 34
High 35
High 37
High 40
High 57
High 62
High 63
High 68
High 73
High 75
High 70b
High 78
High 81 
High 84
High 87
High 88
High 92
High 93
High 96
High 97
High 98
High 129

Miscellaneous (Click here)

Gaslighting her son

Suicide notes (all)

Opening my Mail

High 14, High 21, High 29, High 30, High 31, High 32, High 41, High 42, High 43, High 44, High 60, High 61, High 77, High 102


High 01a, High 01b, 

High 02a, High 02b

Admission of anger and how she treated me and you can see I am unhappy and want the relationship to be over

High 03a, High 03b

Anger and gaslighting over buying an 18ft trampoline 

High 04

I had no idea what she wanted, as you can see this is the anger and abuse I would get 

High 05

Demands to change my plans and gaslighting 

High 06a, High 06b

Gaslighting due to my friends wanting to arrange a stag do and she was not happy with it 

High 07

I had plans friends (which was rare) she wanted me to go for a couch and forced me to go instead of me seeing my friend 

High 08

One of the few times I stuck up for myself after vile insults. As you will see in a few messages, I wanted out of the relationship I was done.

High 09

degrading talk

High 10

Put downs and trying to get me home as I am out with friends

High 11

Katie bit me, with only moving my wrist I tapped her leg telling her to get off me. She then tried to gaslight me that I had hit her.

High 12

She had someone convicted of rape. I mentioned his name "Joe" and I had to beg forgiveness

High 13a, High 13b 

She informed me of lies and when I initially was a bit taken aback I was already trying to leave her. As you can see her it soon turns from me being upset to me begging forgiveness

High 14

Example of opening my mail

High 15a, High 15b, High 15c, High 15d

She made a list of the best people she had slept with and the size of their penis, as always I was the worst and smallest. She would always put me down. She then read my phone and saw I was planning on leaving her. She forced me to delete WhatsApp and isolate me for my friends.

High 16

anger I don't post PDA posts on Facebook

High 17

Her father had just been round, headbutted me and broke my nose, in stead of helping she went and put a Facebook post on with a photo of me. I requested she take it down, she refused and when my sister rang me saying to request that Katie removes it, she tried to gaslight me that it was my sister who was in the wrong.

High 18

She orders some wedding cards incorrectly and how she speaks to me is typical to how  was treated throughout the realtionship.

High 19a, High 19b

As you can see here she is gaslighting me then tries to use sex to control me. 

High 20

Decided she wanted me to have her children so she could go the gym despite me having plans. I had to yield 

High 21

Evidence of her opening my mail

High 22

Requested her to put her clothes away as I had done all the other house work. The vile response I got back evidences her abuse.

High 23a, High 23b

She said she had a miscarriage (I don't believe she did and I would imagine medical records would show that). This shows gaslighting and control. I had to inform friends and family she had a miscarriage.

High 24

She made me stop medication for my autoimmune disease. I had only had one real relationship before Katie. she would often tell me how awful I was in bed and how everyone else she had been with could make her squirt and how inept I was.

High 25

She made me stop medication for my autoimmune disease

High 26

More evidence about forcing me to stop my medication, but with gaslighting

High 27

I informed her I was seeing my friends. Decided to go to her grandparents and forced me to not see them. I would very raely see my friends.

High 28

Telling me I would not be allowed 50:50 access to my child also threat to kill.

High 29

Opening my mail

High 30

Opening my mail

High 31

Opening my mail

High 32

Opening my mail

High 33

James (her son) lied about me hitting him. He was being naughty and was told off before school. Luckily there was a doggy camera in the hall. She and school saw the footage and she recorded her talking to him (I have the recording) and as you can see she is aware it is a lie. During the social service assessment for my daughter she lied by telling the social worker I punched him.

High 34

I got vouchers from work. she went mad as I was going to spend them on myself. she said I should be spending the vouchers on food for her children. She then used them to buy herself clothes

High 35

She had a dog walking and sitting business, I did all the work and she got paid. She went mad that I was gong to watch the football and tried to make me change my plans as she wanted me to walk a dog for an hour for £5.

High 36

Examples of me stressing about money, Katie booking holidays for her and her kids and demanding I pay. I try and tell her no and not to book and pay for it, but I am told no and I have to pay (despite being maxed out on both overdrafts). 

It then continues to insults about my penis and sex

High 37

She wants me to pick her up. I inform her I am out (rearranged from the last time she stopped me going out). Shes not happy. Informs me a man she had on trial for rape (or so I am led to believe and the case was thrown out of court as her story kept changing). I had to leave the cinema and lie to my friends to go and collect her.

High 38

Rare occasion that I was out, nut as always if I was she would try and get me home. This was a typical tactic. I was out (driving not drinking) and she is absolutely gagging for sex, but there is a timer on as she is going to sleep.

High 39

I was doing the Wigan 10km and she knew I planned to stay around for a short while afterwards. Another typical tactic was to inform me my dog wasn't well. I got home he was fine.

High 40

She made me stop taking my medication for an autoimmune disease

High 41

Opening my mail

High 42

Opening others mail

High 43

Opening mail

High 44

Opening my mail

High 45

Bit of gaslighting and racism

High 46


High 47

Ran up debt demanding I sort it and anger and insults 

High 48

Anger as she wanted to go into school, but didn't have childcare. She was angry I couldn't get the time off work

High 48 (wrong number)

Not sure what the argument was about, but I would always have to grovel and beg forgiveness even if I believed she was the one at fault. This was apparently the due date of her miscarriage's. she would make these dates up that meant I had to give her even greater subservice. 

High 49

Anger I wasn't home to take her kids to school despite me not knowing 

Mocking a disabled person

Anger as I posted "my room" on instagram 

High 49 (wrong number)

demands for money telling me I should pay for her 

High 50a, High 50b, High 50c

Calling me a cunt

She was demanding money off me all the time but always getting take away. This time stating someone she was having an afair with bought it for her.

Trying to scare her children

Trying to make me angry by wasting the medication I have to use since her father broke my nose.

At work doing overtime she demands me to come home 

General insults

Telling me about other peoples secrets, but not happy when I say I don't tell her others people's business

High 51

Insults and anger as she forgot to move the elf

I had to take her headphones to the gym (waiting on her hand and foot was typical)

I had to put fuel in her car (physically and financially) 

Anger that I had to feed my dads cat as he was away

High 52

As you can see I mention that I thought she would get angry at me (I was always on egg shells)

I went out with my friends and she as usual aimed to get me home again using sex. Typically if I planned to go out she'd put a sex ban on or turn sex down. therefore, when I was out it would be an easier way to get me home.

High 53

Constantly telling me my unborn daughter was at risk. Every doctor gave her a clean bill of health 

High 54

Had a new years eve party the week before. One of the people that came had an argument with his wife. She caused a lot of trouble that night. she then made up a lie that a social worker had come into her class and told them all about the friend and his wife. You can tell by her text I didn't believe her. If I ever disagreed she would get angry. I would often just agree with her and try and move the conversation on.

Insults and calling me a cunt

High 55

Insults about my penis 

High 56

Just out of surgery from an operation after her father broke my nose. She wanted to post about her being pregnant and I wanted to wait. This git her angry.

Also telling me I could not shave my beard.

High 57a, High 57b

Demands for food to be brought t her (typical script)

This is where (she was eight weeks pregnant) she was demanding that I allowed her to name our child Kelly-Gibbons. I was discussing it. This resulted in greater than one month silent treatment.

High 58

This was the entire conversations we had in the over one moth. No verbal conversation

This evidences her throwing things at me

High 59a, High 59b

Forced me to go the the doctors for a lump on y testicle. I explained it was my epididyms but she wouldn't leave it and made a massive fuss including messaging my manager

I couldn't suggest baby names without anger.

High 60

Opening my mail

High 61

Opening my mail

High 62

Admitting being controlling

Talking about affair

Sex ban before I went out with friends which was a tactic to stop me going out or get me home early 

Trying to force me into an open relationship

Anger and homophobic slurs

High 63

I couldn't face looking at her let alone sex with her. I just wanted freedom, however her threats and the self-worth I lost. I got some Viagra to try and help. 

Telling me I have to message her and tell her how fantastic she is.

High 64

Out with friends and trying to get me home

High 65

She was messaging my manager about having an ultrasound on my testicles. I knew I didn't have an issue, but she demanded i went. This was just a way to embarrass me. 

High 66

Her son highlighted concerns about her during CAMHS

High 67

Admission to mental health problems

High 68a, High68b

I wasn't getting all the information about her son's father and all information I did get was from Katie. she would tell me all sorts of stories about her son's father and her daughter's father. I was never allowed to see social service reports.

Social services removed James from her care.

She admits here about James lying about me (but she has informed social services during our divorce lies)

Lied to me about what happened at CAMHS and convinced me Social Service and James's father was the issue

High 69a, High 69b

Her son had been removed from her due to concerns of his safety. She would play on our unborn daughter being in danger. I would assume most of the narrative she is telling in these messages are not true.

High 70

Threatening if I didn't make several trips to the tip that night in her car, she would go herself (whilst heavily pregnant).

She had an affair with Lee, she would often use him as a way to control me 

Example of demanding I have a vasectomy 

She deleted messages off her son's phone from his father

Opening my mail

She signed up for a £500 Universal Credit loan in my name that I had to pay back 

Gaslighting that UC stating I should pay all her bills 

High 70b

Just shows how she spoke to me

High 71

Insults to reduce my self-worth and anger

High 72

Controlling how I look

High 73

Evidence of posting nudes of me on snapchat plus anger and insults

High 74

Telling me my daughter is not mine

High 75

Telling me I can't go to the cinema with my friends

High 76

Insults about me

High 77

Opening my mail

High 78


demanding a Vasectomy and booking me in and telling me to lie to the doctor

Me stating I don't like anal

High 79

Anger that I went out. I never got drunk, I simply got in bed. I never stayed out late either.

High 80

Trying to get me home 

High 81

Demanding a vasectomy

High 82

Stating she is staying with someone she had an affair with 


You can see I just wanted it to be over

High 83

Having to bribe her to sort her debt out. More vasectomy anger

I am explaining money worries

High 84

Opening my mail

High 85

Speaking about her children's fathers

High 86

Insults about my ability in bed

High 87

Anger, gaslighting and insults a I was waiting a couple of weeks before buying something for her son's birthday in June

High 88

Demanding a vasectomy 

High 89

Katie caused arguments with my friends on Facebook and took it out on me. This caused division between me and my friends.

High 90

This story didn't happen. I got home no mark. If Blue had bit Erin, it was Katie's fault for leaving a newborn in the Livingroom unattended.

High 91

Demanding I find a BLM T-shirt 

High 92a, High 92b, High 92c

A lot to unpack here, but very self explanatory. As I started to try and stand up to her, shortly after this she started with her threats of false accusations of rape

High 93a, High 93b

Making me send money

This is the time we had to go to the therapist due to her trying to gaslight me that I raped her.

High 94

Trying to gaslight me that our issues are my fault

High 95

Insults, put downs and gaslighting for money

High 96a, High 97a

Getting fired as a teacher. Gaslighting anger, trying to guilt me. I could not put up with the fake drama and need for attention.

High 97

Katie was fired from a teacher, insults, lies about social services and her son's father.

High 98

Forced me to go to hospital due to a cut thumb. She insulted me and mocked me despte her not allowing me to cancel the amulance she called.

High 99

High 100

High 101

High 102a, High 102b

Opening my mail, insults, anger and put downs. Anger that she had been found out by social services.

High 103

High 104

High 105

High 106

High 107

High 108

High 109

High 110

High 111

High 112

High 113

High 114

High 115

High 116

High 117

High 118

High 119

High 120

Example of her breaking one of my tablets

High 121

Gaslighting and demands for money, I spoke out about how she treated me

High 122

Example of her breaking one of my tablet

High 123

How she speaks to me gaslighting about buying house and it's my issue

I had arranged to go to Crufts with family and she was demanding I take her son as he was too naughty for her to take him and anger and gaslighting when I tried to push back.

High 124

Anger when I tried to sort bills out and finances (all bills in my name and I paid for everything) 

as usual I was forced to go shopping and fill her car up with fuel whilst she lay in bed (usual thing)

High 125

This operation was part of her threats of rape allegations, she stated that she would tell the police I caused an injury in her rectum and to this day I still don't know what the actual issue was

High 126

High 127

High 128a, High 128b

High 129

There had been arguments for a few days and Katie was demanding subservience from me. Erin had a mild cough. She took her to the doctors and panicked me about how serious her condition was. As you can see from the medical record, the blood sugars were normal (and not elevated as stated in her messages) and no X-Ray was performed. Erin was fine, but this was a way to take the attention away from her actions.




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